5 Questions About Research

Young people are now doing research abroad. Many research papers are also published in reputed journals. people are interested in research. But many questions revolve in the minds of students. Five such questions are answered in this original essay. Now answered 5 questions about research.

1. Why research is important

Those who are doing research and publishing research papers at the university level have a lot of opportunities for higher education abroad. Research papers, essays, and poster presentations published in various journals are given special importance for admission to reputed universities in various countries including the United States. Research experience at the university level increases students’ acceptance for admission to postgraduate and PhD degrees abroad. If you have research experience in the country, there is an opportunity to get financial support through grants, fellowships, assistance, and scholarships for studying at various universities.

Research not only broadens the scope of higher education but is also very useful in the future job market. You may work at an international organization working on the subject you are researching. Researchers get work opportunities in many technical and scientific laboratories while doing research. During the research period, there are opportunities to present papers and participate in conferences in different countries.

For those who want to become teachers or researchers in the future, not only research, research is a part of higher education. Research at the graduate-post-graduate level needs to be given more emphasis in the universities of our country.

5 Questions About Research

2. At what time should research work begin?

Most of the students in our country are not very focused on research at the graduate level. However, research should be done from the beginning of university life. Regardless of the subject, from the first and second year, start researching what you want to research in the future.

The second and third years of university are great times to develop a research mindset. One cannot suddenly become a researcher, so it is necessary to use this time to prepare. Many people rush to start research at the postgraduate level. Then it becomes a little more stressful. The earlier you start, the earlier you learn about research techniques, the earlier you practice writing articles, the more opportunities you have to advance yourself. Know the rules for submitting articles to various journal papers. By participating in various seminars and conferences, there is an opportunity to develop oneself as a researcher in some field. You can try to contact experts and university teachers by email about the subject you want to research. Networking is also important as a researcher.

3. How to choose the research topic?

The world of research is very big and open. There are opportunities for research on various subjects. The entire process is easy to understand for those who know the ins and outs of research. As there are opportunities for research on the subject you are studying in the university, there are also numerous new topics. I am researching topics such as human-computer interaction and digital signal processing. I have to know and learn beyond my subject. Despite being an engineering student, my research paper on Kabiraji treatment was published in 2019.

In the field of research, it is important to think about the subject that you have the opportunity to work on, just as you have to give importance to the subject of your choice. You can prepare a research paper related to social science even if you study any subject of engineering or biology. Start with the subject you are studying in graduation, or a course that interests you. Gradually the knowledge of the world should be enlarged, research should be expanded. Emphasis is placed on theoretical studies in research. Learn about various research techniques, data analysis, and data collection. Gradually learn about research topics and interests.

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5 Questions About Research

4. What skills or qualities should a researcher have?

Any student can become a researcher with interest and patience. Intelligence and curiosity are essential to being a researcher. Willingness to work with others, leadership skills, mastery of working under other researchers or in teams. Just as you need to understand yourself, you need to spend time developing your skills. Must have data collection and analysis skills.

There is no end to research, so always be on the lookout. Be inquisitive.

Another quality that is very important for researchers is integrity and ethics. Just as being mentally honest and ethical is important for every researcher, so is being ethical at work. As a researcher, many criticisms or negative results may come from research, so don’t give up.

Research opportunities for teachers and expert professionals should be taken advantage of. Learn about the current research tools or technologies, like SPSS or MATLAB.

5. What to do if you stop in the middle of the research?

Research is a matter of time. You can’t start right away. Due to the realities of life, research may be delayed and/or stopped. Research may not be funded or delayed. maybe I am researching, but not getting results. There is scope for arguments and debates on many issues with the research supervisor, and co-researchers.

A researcher should be prepared for all situations. Support from the supervisor and other researchers should be taken if necessary. Research is project management. The work should be divided into small parts. Many give up after starting research. This trend is very high among young researchers. Teachers and psychologists should be consulted if necessary.

The stress of your life as a researcher may be overlooked by others. In this case, it is important to take care of your health. If necessary, after a short break, come back with insistence. Losing interest in work is a common crisis for young researchers. In this case, other aspects of life and hobbies should also be important. You have to energize yourself by bringing ‘harmony’ between research work and life.

Source: prothom alo