Fully funded US exchange program

More than 1 million people travel to the United States on US exchange program each year. Among them are students, scholars, teachers, researchers, and other professionals. Opportunities to travel to the United States without financing are available through the US exchange program. There are a total of five fully funded US exchange programs. These are Hansen Leadership Institute, UPJ Sustainability Leadership Program, Community Solutions Program, Susie Summer Exchange Program, and MCW Young Leaders Fellowship. These fully funded US exchange program offer many benefits. Learn about fully funded US exchange programs.

Financial benefits that:

• Air tickets for travel
• Monthly stipend
• J One visa fee
• Arrangement of tours in America
• Accommodation arrangements
• Food
• Transportation from airport to accommodation.

US exchange program

1. Hansen Leadership Institute

The Hansen Summer Exchange Program is a fully funded program for international students. The 3-week program will be conducted at the University of California, San Diego.

• Host Country: USA
• Location: University of San Diego, California
• Duration: July 1 to 23, 2024
• Financial coverage: Full financing

2. UPJ Sustainability Leadership Program

UPJ Sustainability Leadership Program offers online training to 500 participants.

• Host Country: USA
• Location: Hurricane Island
• Date of Travel: July 2024
• Financial benefits: Fully financed

3. Community Solutions Program

Participants in the Community Solutions Program or CSP 2024 will spend 4 months in the United States. However, the duration of the CSP program is one year.

• Host Country: USA
• Funded by: US State Department and IREX
• Duration: One year (four months in US)
• Financial coverage: Fully funded

US exchange program

4. Susi 2024 USA Summer Exchange Program

The Susie Summer Exchange Program is a fully funded program for men and women. Participating students will have the opportunity to stay at a US university for 5 to 6 weeks. The program offers free one-week study tours to Boston, New York, Washington DC, Richmond, and Virginia.

• Host Country: USA
• Host/University: University of Kansas and University of Massachusetts
• Financial benefits: Fully financed
• Travel date: Summer 2024

5. MCW Young Leaders Fellowship

• Host Country: USA
• Financial benefits: Fully financed

Source: Prothom Alo